Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Okay. At this point it's just getting pathetic that I'm not writing more frequently. I had the flu 2 weeks ago, a time when I could literally do nothing else (besides watch movies), and I still didn't write. I don't even have mandatory journaling as an excuse now. haha. I guess my reasoning is I shouldn't put things I'm unsure about oout into the universe, and while I know exactly what I've been doing for the past two months, I have little to no idea what my feelings are about it all. Compartmentalizing has been necessary.
Anywhich... A lot has happened! But that would be a tedious and long update, so I'm just going to go ahead and focus on the present.
Ex-president George W. Bush is here at the Jud today. It was for a world leaders forum, very business like and official. Lots of traffic and little parking around campus. Secret service, forced sack lunches, cancelled classes, etc. A nice change of pace.
We have a little less than 2 and a half weeks left of school! Wow. This year has gone so fast and so slow at the same time. I can not believe that on Friday 4/29/11 I will no longer be a college freshman. What a whirlwind journey this has been.
This week finishes out, then we have one more regular week of classes, then it's finals (which almost doesn't count because I have 2 full days off finals week because of test timing).
The end of this school year is bittersweet.
While I am exhausted, mentally and physically, I am really going to miss the friends I've made over the course of the year.
Not to mention the reality that I may be in Texas next semester. Or in Florida. Or somewhere else.
It's tough to swallow never seeing some of these people again!
I can't even think about leaving my roommates yet.
And I don't really want to live at home, but that's another can of worms for another night.
However, I AM excited for summer too.
Warmth, rest, music, the beach, great time with friends. I love all of that!
I'm sure there will be plenty of crying, complaining, laughing and hugging 3 Fridays from now when I move out.
Lately (meaning in the past few months), I've gotten really close with some kids here, and I just really am starting to love them! Molly, Kelsey, Reed and Mary specifically :)
Mary and I have an istant bond just because we have the same name, but she is so great. So sensitive to others, a huge heart and a beautiful beautiful voice.
Reed, I'm convinced, has a different perspective on life than every person I've ever met. He's not afraid to ask tough questions, but he also has so much love and respect for other people. I think that's really cool.
That and he's totally nuts, rarely goes to class, loves to road trip, and forces me to help him get better as a person. He will make a great husband someday.
Kelsey tries to succeed at everything she does. She doesn't like to be bored, and this is made obvious by her crazy schedule. She's real short, and real proportional. haha. She is a talented musician. She has baggage, but she is an incredible friend and a great person to seek out for advice and comfort. She is a big sweetheart.
Molly is great too :) She reminds me of Mama Cass. She even has a tambourine. She has a beautiful voice, silky hair, and a heart for broken people and lost causes. Injustice cripples her and I love that she laughs at my jokes and goes along with my games. Sometimes she's a little spacey even though she's always asking questions, but she will be a great and loving mother someday and will make a huge difference in the lives of many!
There's also people like Luke, who's a great example of a man. Wynn, who is a mystery but precious. Brenda, who loves to love. Kaitlyn, who is a light. Zack, a challenger. Erin, who loves nature and God's creation.
There's just so many great people here!
I guess I get a little carried away.
I've been having some intense worship experiences lately.
Judson challenges me to step outside my comfort sone, primarily because I feel like I'm the only one that is willing to do so.
Because of this I have spent so much time really working and making a concious effort to improve my relationship with God.
It has been consistently remwarding and I'm excited to see where it will take me in the next few weeks!
I'm trying reeeeeeal hard not to fail math. Procrastination is definitely what I have to thank for this one. haha. It is alllll me.

Bedtime soon! It's been a long and sunny day!